Active Women's Blog

College Girls Safety Part II: Animal House – Cheers! 

Part II- Dedicated to College Girls Safety

It’s finally Saturday and your friends are blowing up your phone.  The anticipation of another party has your heart racing with excitement.  What will you wear?  The stress of looking your best and fitting in are at the forefront of your mind.  On the other hand, in the back of your mind a little voice reminds you of what happened last time you went out.

Your anxiety starts to grow.  Will the same guys be at this party too?  Did one of them really put something in my drink?  Maybe my friends just over-reacted?  Why didn’t they just watch my drink closer when I went to the restroom?

I thought he really liked me! 

Your heart starts racing faster as you think about what could’ve happened.  Should I stay home? No, then everyone will think I’m a phobe; totally uncool.  I don’t know what to do!

I’ve got to do this!!

I have to go to this party; you scream in your head as you continue getting ready. Thankfully my best friend got me home safely after noticing something was wrong with me, even though I thought I was fine.  I just figured my drink was a little strong or I was just a lightweight since I don’t normally drink alcohol.  Yes, I’ll go! I’ll just watch my drink closer and be more aware.

Yes girl, he may have liked you, but not for the right reasons, especially if he slipped something in your drink.  In addition, his underlying intentions were focused only on one thing unfortunately.

Guys (or even girls) that do this aren’t looking for a relationship. They are fly-by-night jerks with a sweet smile or great personality looking for easy targets like yourself; females that don’t usually drink or even the ones that drink too much.

What are “date rape drugs?”

Date rape drugs, sometimes called “club drugs” are any type of drug (or alcohol) used to make rape or sexual assault easier for the coward that’s giving it to you.

Yes, they can use any type of drugs or wink at the bartender to put more alcohol in your drink, as long as it makes over-powering their victim easier.

No, you don’t have to be on a date for them to commit this crime. It could be someone you’re in a relationship with, someone you just met or haven’t met, until it’s too late.

These drugs can make a person confused about what is happening, less able to defend themselves against unwanted sexual contact or even unable to remember what happened.

Roofies, Liquid Ecstasy & Special K

Cherry Meth, Scoop, Liquid X, Easy Lay, Fantasy, Midnight Blue, Alloy Cleaner, and Magic Stripper are some of the slang street names for the real drugs that linger around at parties, concerts, bars, or dance clubs.  They may be pills, powders or liquid with no color, smell or taste when added to a drink or food.

The symptoms of these drugs can be the same as alcohol, so it could be difficult to tell if you’ve been drugged. One sign would be that you became extremely drunk in a short period of time if you haven’t had much to drink yet.  And you would really know if you were drinking a non-alcoholic drink and became loopy!

The names and descriptions of the most common date rape drugs are listed below:

  1. Rohypnol
  2. Odorless and tasteless.
  3. Small round white pill (no dye), or oval green gray sometimes turns a drink light blue.
  4. Takes effect in 15-30 minutes and lasts for 8-12 hours
  5. Get tested by a professional before 72 hours; this will exit the body by then.
  6. Can cause weakness, dizziness, confusion, drowsiness and memory loss
  7. GHB & GBL
  8. Colorless and odorless but can make a drink taste salty and sometimes have a weak odor.
  9. Clear liquid or white powder
  10. Takes effect in 15 minutes and last for 3-4 hours
  11. Evidence exits the body in 5 hours so don’t waste time getting tested.
  12. Can cause slow heart rate, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, tremors, and coma.
  13. Ketamine-
  14. Tasteless, odorless and colorless
  15. Clear liquid, white or off-white powder
  16. Takes effect FAST; in several minutes, and lasts for 30 minutes to 1 hour
  17. Evidence leaves the body in 48 hours; get tested.
  18. Can cause hallucinations, impaired motor function, numbness, and memory loss.

Sources: U.S. Drug Environment Agency and Women’s health

We, here at Country Driven sell a very affordable “Girls night out drink test” you can carry with you everywhere you go and test wherever you are.

Also, comes in a kit, sold with pepper spray.

Was I drugged or raped?

Date rape drugs can affect your memory so if you wake up with these symptoms or signs, go to a hospital emergency as soon as possible and have them test you for date rape drugs before they leave your body.

Don’t bathe, pee, wash your hands, change your clothes, eat or drink.

You may have been raped or drugged if:

  1. You wake up and your clothes are off and you don’t remember taking them off.
  2. Your clothes are torn, stained or put on wrong
  3. You have bruises, bleeding, pain, cuts, etc., after a date, party or social event.
  4. Your body feels like you had sex, but you cannot remember it.

Let’s head back to the STREET-SMART classroom ladies!

In conclusion, if you don’t want this to happen to you, stick with these Simple Smart Steps and let’s keep these _________’s from adding another victim to their list.

  1. Don’t drink from a communal punch bowl
  2. Don’t accept drinks from others unless you see the bartender pour it or open it
  3. Always keep your drink in sight, even when going to the bathroom or hitting the dance floor. Finish it or take it with you!
  4. Don’t share drinks.
  5. Open your own canned or bottled drinks; it’s very easy for drugs to go in unnoticed in a can or dark bottle.
  6. Ask a (preferably sober) friend to watch out for you and you watch out for them as well.
  7. Sometimes our friends are having so much fun they may say they’ll watch your drinks or food, but you can’t put all our trust in them either.  Friends are not there to watch your stuff; they’re there to have fun too!   Unfortunately the evil people know this and look for the easiest targets.

We want you to have fun BUT watch out for yourself first, because you are the only one responsible for YOU!

New blog coming soon!

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