Active Women's Blog

Annie Oakley didn’t have options – women today do!

Most women don’t want to carry or don’t think they need to. Ok…

You watch the news and a lot of “O.M.G.’s” come out of your mouth because you can’t believe normal, regular looking human beings can do so many horrific things to so many innocent people.

You may also think to yourself, that’ll never happen to me and my family because we live in a small town or a safe area, or my husband, boyfriend, dad, etc. will keep me/us safe since he can fight, or he carries a weapon.

The truth is, evil lives in every corner of the earth, no exemptions, no exceptions, and your male companion may not always be there to help.

Please don’t be naive and play the weaker sex role!

You are NOT the weaker one when you carry a weapon; you become equal prey to an attacker versus 100% prey, a.k.a. the Victim, if you choose Not to Carry.

God supplied every creature with a defense mechanism to fight off or deter their enemies.  Yes, we are considered the weaker sex next to males, but God gave women brains and powerful instincts to know we need to carry some type of defense tool to stay safe in this world.  Evil is Real!

Femininity is Beautiful!

No, you don’t have to start looking like Annie Oakley with a holster wrapped around your skirt with loaded shiny guns sticking out, ready to be drawn.  Although that would be cool to some of us it’s not appealing or even acceptable in today’s society.

The good news is, times have changed since our grandmother’s and great-grandmothers (or granny on the Beverly Hillbillies), who relied on the rifle leaning behind the door or hanging above the fireplace mantel.

Today we have so many options when it comes to what we carry and how we conceal it.

“What should I carry?”

Great question!  First and foremost, know your local laws on carrying any type of weapon. Every jurisdiction has different, from the state, to county, and city so it’s best to know and stay safe.

Here are some suggestions on what to carry:

1-HAND GUN/PISTOL: Do your homework before you buy.

Shop around like you would if you were looking for a date. Never, ever just settle for the cutest one.


A- Consider test firing any gun at a local gun range before buying.

B- If you’re new to shooting, compare several firearms to find the best fit for you.

C- Consider caliber, i.e. 9mm is cheaper and easier to find than .380.

D- Stay with a reliable manufacturer, i.e. Glock, H&K, Sig, Kahr, Ruger, etc.

E- Treat it with care and respect and it’ll be there when you need it.

Take into consideration that you must be a responsible adult dedicated to learning all the do’s and don’ts that come with owning and carrying a firearm.


A- The knife is one of the oldest and most useful tools known to man. It can be used for so many things and in so many ways that we can’t begin to name them all.

B- Knives come in many sizes and colors to choose from. A pocket knife is a perfect tool to carry and recommended by many because it folds up and has the least amount of restrictions when you carry it with you.

C- Keep it sharp, clean and away from children!

D- Knives are very affordable and easy to purchase.

E- If a knife is your only choice to carry, be smart, know the body points that you could damage or deter your attacker the most or the quickest, so you have a chance to run away.

Let’s think for a minute about the girl who recently got in an Uber and didn’t make it out alive. She, and many others before her are the reason we opened our store and blog, so we can get this message out to every female we can possibly reach. 

Had she been carrying a gun; he may not be here today instead of her. Ok so she was a college girl who didn’t have a gun because of her age, her fears of carrying or maybe the laws prohibited them, but IF she would’ve had a pocket knife or other weapon, let’s just say, she could have had a fighting chance.

Carry a knife? “Who me?”, you ask.

Yes!  It makes perfect sense when you think about it though. We all use knives in the kitchen, so we have more experience with that weapon/utensil than most other weapons.

No, don’t put the wild west movies in your head where you’re holding a knife in front of you saying, “Come any closer and I’ll use this!” 

You are a Woman; you are smarter than that!  Be discrete. Be secretive, never show your weapon, even if you’re so scared you pee in your pants, (which would be ok too) since it could distract your attacker away from the weapon you have hidden from him.  Whatever happens keep a grip on the knife handle and be ready to use it when the time is right.  Surprise your attacker as fast as he startled you.  Once he’s down, run and use your voice; scream!

(This situation holds true with any weapon, not just a knife.)

3- TASERS: Although some may use the terms Stun Gun and Tasers as being the same things, they’re NOT the same thing.

A- A Taser shoots probes at your target, typically within a range of 15 to 30 feet which is a great advantage for you since you don’t have to get too close to your attacker.

B- Tasers can penetrate up to 2” of clothing and will shock your attacker for 30 seconds giving you time to run to safety.

C- If you misfire, miss your target or the attacker gets too close, the taser has a direct contact stun gun back up capability built into them. In this case, just make sure your attacker runs right into the taser to get the shock of his life!

D- Some Tasers have built-in laser sightings using a red dot for simpler aim.

E- The down side to owning and using Taser devices is that they are more expensive than stun guns requiring the purchase of replacement firing cartridges and batteries/power magazine replacements over their life.


A- The Stun Gun is for close range self-defense (we know you don’t want to get that close, but attackers (even attack dogs) do, so remember if you’re smart and prepared, nothing brings down an attacker more quickly and efficiently than powerful electrical currents hitting them.

B- Stun Guns come in many shapes, sizes and voltage. Voltage can vary from 1 million volts to 35 million volts. No worries; the electrical current will not pass back to you.

C- Some Stun Guns look like flashlights or are equipped with flashlights. This means they pull double-duty since you can see your way through dark parking lots, alleys or even your yard, and the ultra bright beam temporarily blinds and disorients creepers, allowing you to slip away unharmed.

D- Some Stun Guns come with holsters or cases for safety and fast, easy access.

E- They’re very affordable and do not require replacement firing cartridges like the Taser devices or felony background checks.

F- They also come in a wide variety of models; Simple Handheld; regular size and mini’s, Knuckle Grip, Stun Batons w/extended reach, Rechargeable types and even pens.

Be prepared when you’re alone. There’s no other way to stay safe.


A- Very affordable and comes in many sizes, colors and models to choose from. It’s non-lethal self-protection whether you want to fend off your assailant or just frighten off an animal. If sprayed in the eyes, it causes an excruciating burning sensation incapacitating an attacker allowing you to safely get away.

B- Always know your state laws and restrictions before you purchase.

C- Sprays a liquid (or gel) in a straight line ranging from 5 to 18 feet away. Gels are heavier liquid and have less blow-back worries.

D- Some models come with holsters, cases and some with clips to hook to your pocket, belt or purse and others attach to your key-chain. Remember, easy to carry with easy access could save your life!

E- Some companies offer 3-in-1 sprays which include a mixture of traditional capsaicin-based pepper spray, tear gas and a UV dye for marking your attacker!

How cool is that?   No mistaken identity here. “Officer, that’s the man who attacked me, the one with my Pepper Sprays’ UV Dye all over his face!”

F- Easy to buy and easy to replace when it expires.

G- Most stores have practice Pepper Spray available for sale, so you can practice using it without wasting your real Pepper Spray.

H- Sabre ranks highest in customer satisfaction and reviews by far so don’t settle for any convenient store Pepper Spray that claims to be the best. Instead, buy the best!

Sabre is our brand of choice at Country Driven, after much research was done.

6SELF-DEFENSE KEY CHAINS:  If you don’t want to carry pepper spray, there are many simple sharp or weighted weapons to choose from out there that allows you to carry easily on your key ring.  It can be a knife, cat, dog, metal ball, etc.  Anything you attach to your keys that will hurt a perpetrator so you can get away is perfect!

OK, besides bats, hatchets, chain saws, boiling water or other self-defense items we haven’t mentioned (and there are plenty more), we’ve decided the last tool to discuss is one that can be carried by everyone!  Except, of course, the toddler who likes to get a hold of anything that makes noise!

 7-PERSONAL SELF-DEFENSE ALARMS: Alarms aren’t just for cars and homes now, they’re for people too, fortunately and unfortunately. We’re glad we have them but hate that we need to have them.

A- Today’s alarms are more fashionable in their designs since they came out years ago. They come in many colors, shapes and sizes so you have lots of varieties to choose from.

B- Some alarms are equipped with whistles and LED safety lighting.

C- They’re usually equipped with a clip to easily attach to a key-chain, car keys, purse, book bag or even a diaper bag. Others have belt clips and wrist straps.

D- They have them especially made for kids too, which discreetly looks like a toy on a key-chain or even a smiley face alarm that hooks on a book bag.

E- A more serious alarm is the 3-in-1 that attaches to your phone; it makes a loud piercing sound, a silent release alarm, unlocks your cell phone and contacts a live 24/7 emergency response team or even selected family or friends.

F- Alarms are for the whole family especially the ladies who want something safer to carry, something with no law restrictions or to combine with other weapons they carry for extra backup and confidence.


We hope this information helps you make the best choice for you, when purchasing a weapon.  Safety first.  Conceal your weapon in a secure place that only you know where it is and totally out of reach from children.

After you decide which weapon(s) work for you, it’s now time to practice, play and pretend!  Sounds silly but it could save your life.


Don’t just throw it in your purse or on your key-chain, forget about it and hope for the best.  Instead, love your weapon, hold it often and get used to it fitting comfortably in your hand, just in case you must use it quickly, you’re less likely to fumble or struggle during a terrifying moment.

You will have enough on your mind at that moment besides letting your guard down by rummaging through your purse to find your weapon, so be prepared.

Lastly, whether you’re in your home, walking to your car, leaving work or out at night, always, always pretend or envision the scenarios that ‘could’ happen at that location and ‘how you would react’ if they did.

Always be aware of your surroundings, even the exits and of course, suspicious vehicles and people.  Unfortunately, this is the world we live in today so be smart!  Use the powerful instincts God gave you!

Be the competent friend or family member that cares enough to talk to others about personal safety and the right weapons to carry even if it’s just a personal alarm.  You could save a life with the knowledge you own.


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